Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guitar - Classical Yamaha

My Yamaha G228 classical (nylon string acoustic) is my oldest musical companion. I got it in around December 1, 1994. I woke up one morning and thought, 'I'll get a guitar today and start learning to play'. I was a student at the time, and it is therefore some kind of a miracle that I had around $120 to my name. So I went into town to the smallest guitarshop I could find (Guitarworks, then on Flinders St) and had a yarn with the young bloke behind the counter.

I said I wanted a secondhand guitar. He said they didn't have any. I looked disappointed. He relented, told me they had just received one on a trade in but it still needed to be fixed up and this would take a couple of days. I had a look at it. He played it a little (scales). I thought it sounded beautiful. We made a deal, I went back in a couple of days and it was waiting for me, all set up (adjusted) cleaned and polished (I bought a book on classical guitar and borrowed a friend's old Yamaha classical in the interim).

She's my favorite instrument. It's now had a flamenco tappa plate added, and is a wee bit battered (having been around of most of south eastern Australia and accompanied many campfire singalongs), but it plays as sweet straight and true as when first purchased. Truly, my oldest musical companion.

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