For several months now I have used the web-based (free) sitemeter to count and measure visits to this blog. Don't worry, it doesn't identify individual computers or people, nor does it give me addresses. It counts site visits and page visits, country and domain, time and date. From all of this I know the following:
Nearly 500 visits so far, with an average visit length of just over two and a half minutes, averaging 2.2 page views per visit. These figures are a bit skewed because they include all of my own visits, for when I blog and create. My best deduction from data from site metre shows that I account for about half the visits originating from the domain which I do (try saying that in english!).
If I subtract half the visits from my domain (= 9% and shrinking as I become more efficient at blogging) from the total, I find that 52% of my visits come from Australia, with the USA as my second most common source of visitor (14%). Canada, Ireland and the UK, regularly show up. I have had runs of visitors from the Philipines. The rest of the visits are from a fairly even distribution across the continents of Asia (including the subcontinent and archipeligos), South America and Europe, with occasional visitors from Africa (and not just South Africa).
English is by far the major language the site is viewed in.
From my observations, google is the most common referring site (with my Yamaha G228 posting the most common question posed to google of which this site is deemed part of the answer). Other frequent referers, of which I am proud, are Adelaide Index and Adelaide Bands. The majority of visits are either from people hitting the 'next blog' button on a blogspot blog, or people who are bringing up the URL directly on their computer (hopefully from their 'favorites').
See you at the Cumberland (Glanville) after 3pm on Sunday, 1 October!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
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