Sunday, March 04, 2007

RIP Billy Thorpe & Negotiators Duo gig on Saturday

'The Negotiators Duo' (Steve and Nancy) are playing at Claire, lovely little town in South Australia's Mid-North, this Saturday Night (March 10). They start at around 9.00 pm. I'm not sure which pub it will be at, but there can't be too many! Would be good to see some of you there (knowing, as I do, that you don't mind getting away from the big smoke for a weekend in the country).

The band itself continues rehersal, though of a fractured kind. For example, due personal tragedy only us blokes could make it last Sunday. This allowed for a technically oriented practice which was good, but necessitates further delay in our return to the pubs of Adelaide.

Speaking of pubs, one of the greatest legends of Oz rock, Billy Thorpe, died of a heart attack in the last week, aged 60. Our sympathies to those who knew him. For those that don't know, Billy Thorpe almost singlehandedly put bands into pubs (as early as 1963!), was upsetting everyone with his loudness almost straight away and, with his band 'The Aztecs', made a name both nationally and internationally for loud and aggressive hard rock. The chaos which attended his following was legendary. He was still into the music game, and I understood had recently recorded another album which will now no doubt become a best seller when released.

RIP Billy.

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