This Friday Night (23 March) the Negotiators Duo (Nancy and Steve) play their little duo thing at the Excelsior Hotel on Hawker St in Brompton, I think they start fairly early (like around 7.30). Last time they played their it was by all accounts a good gig. I hear there's a few people planning on going so it might be a relatively biggish show. The things I most recall about the pub are its 'Phantom' decor and its food (lots of it and yum).
On Saturday Night, it's off to the midnorth again - this time in Jamestown. It'll be a latestarting gig (say, 10 pm or after?) and no doubt a fairly interesting night. There's a busload or two of jazz people coming by, my guess is they'll appreciate what they see and hear.
The most recent show Nancy and Steve did was at The Taminga Hotel in Claire. There was a bit of competition on in town, with a band at the 'young' pub, a drunken Karaoke in the middle pub, and The Negotiators Duo in the front bar of the Taminga. Not that I'm biased but I thought the band was okay, I could listen to their pop punk and enjoy it. The Karaoke was crap. The best show in town was The Duo at the Taminga, they held a dozen til the end and had a couple dozen more through the evening. All rocking at one stage. Which is pretty good for a duo midi thing. Need I say more.
(By the way, the band is still rehersing. Not a lot of new stuff, but there's a lot of ground to recover with the old. My ear detects improvement, will be good when we start booking gigs again)