Sunday, February 11, 2007

Negotiators Duo gigs review and band update

The Duo played at Excelsior last Friday, and Burra last night. Both were apparently successful gigs. I've seen some folk who were at the Excelsior and they loved it. I wasn't at Burra, but they played a long gig (1.30 stumps) so that's usually a sign everyone's enjoying themselves.

The performed our song 'Fucked Decisions', with a midi track! A 'midi' is an electronic device that allows you generate 'backing parts' over which you perform. Thus, Nancy sang, Steve played lead guitar, and the 'midi' generated drums, bass and rhythm. Usually, these two piece duos use a midi with preprogrammed cover music. That's what Nancy and Steve have been doing. With 'fucked decisions' however, Steve has started learning how to program the midi. This will be very interesting to see where it ends up in an artistic sense!

Finally, we meet for reherals as a band again tomorrow. Hopefully blow the cobwebs off another dozen or so songs, tightening ourselves up prior to remerging with the stream of consciousness and work which is live gigging.

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