Monday, February 27, 2006

Poster Maestro

The Negotiators' bass player, Terry, is also our maestro of the technical effects which are such a fun part of rock'n'roll game. Anything to do with light and sound, he seems to sort out if it can be, and knows if it can't. Whether it's mixing live or studio, he's the man. He also has a nifty ability with the bass.

What I didn't know for quite a while is how much he is into graphic design. His ironic humour often leaks through many of his productions, be they CD covers, posters or just plain lighting set up. Bill Posters have always interested me, they are a physical artificat of specific times and places, and are public art in their own right. With a lot of bands, posters are seen by more folk than will hear the band. I don't think that's the case with us, but I still dig posters.

I'll be using some of Terry's posters for a while on this blog to push our coming gigs (I'm always awaiting any decent photos from our shows for the same purpose). I've removed certain identifying features, and the text that is specific to the gig is added by me. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy Terry's collection as much as I have.

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