Sunday, November 21, 2004

Cornucopia Gig, Wallaroo, 6 Nov 2004

Flowing from the Alford show came another gig, at a nearby town called Wallaroo two weeks later. It was in a old hotel, huge and rambling and full of mysterious angles and passages. The show was a private one, a surprise party for the pair who had been publicans for the past ten years, put on by the locals. Over 200 people paid $20 each for a ticket, the pub was closed for the night and the front bar invited into the dining hall for the party. Amazingly, despite the honoured couple being the publicans, it was a total surprise for them. They were flabbergasted. The proceeds for the night went towards a holiday voucher for the lucky couple. They must have been quite special for such a show to be put on in their honour. We played from eight to about 1.30 am on a long shallow stage. The night was organised by one of the barmaids, who had seen us at Alford and liked us so much that she asked us to play at her pub.

The people really enjoyed it, had people dancing from the second song. A handful came up from Adelaide, which was really good to see. The locals loved it.

We played four sets. Technically, our greatest problem was in the levels department, we didn’t have a sound check and the acoustics of the area worked real weird (levels were significantly less than at practice and the treble had to be down). We tended to accelerate the tempo as we played, which was also a consistent problem. Overall however, it was pretty good. The publican said that if he hadn’t been leaving, he would have had us play there once a month.

Pretty cool, for a band’s second gig.