Nancy and Steve are playing their duo thingy reasonably often at the moment. This Saturday night at the Hamley Bridge Hotel from around 7.30 should be a fun expedition from Adelaide (Hamley Bridge lies a ways out the other side of Gawler). They've played at Burra a couple of times since christmas. Next Friday they play at the Excelsior Hotel, Corner Coglin and Hawker Streets, Brompton, from about 7.30.
They say it's just to keep them in touch while the band kicks into gear again, but I'm sure there's a certain pleasure to the lack of complexity when you only have singer, guitarist and Midi (computer) music - not all the dramas that go with the band. On the other hand, there's a certain wild energy that you can latch onto with the bootstrap mentality that comes with playing in the band.
We've started rehersing again, a bit more methodically than before. So it shouldn't be too long now...
Thanks Jo.